Hello lovelies! It’s another beautiful Tuesday in the month of May…Pray tell me, how has the past week been? I hope very well and you are all aiming for the very best because there is no time to check time. {Did you see my play of words there…Hehehehe}

For me, I ensure, there is no limit to anything that will stop me and if anything tries stopping me, I kick my best foot forward and do the extremely smartest thing I can think off. I try to always speak positive thoughts to myself no matter whatever situation I find myself in.

Watching some people, their mouths, their words are their greatest enemies. You are confined by the walls you build around yourself and nobody no one can limit you except you limit yourself. The person you see in the mirror everyday each day should be your greatest competitor. Nobody is your competitor!

As a man thinketh, so is he/she and remember, you are your own worst enemy. That is why, you have to guard your thoughts so that they don’t become your enemy. If you can stop expecting impossible imperfection in yourself, then you will find the confidence and happiness that has always eluded you.

Stop condemning yourself or looking down on yourself. Love yourself, love your height, love your color, and love your body as champions keep playing till they get it right. So, never look down on yourself because there is no human that has no fault or the other.

Learn to love yourself because you are the very best. Love yourself with everything you have got. In the remaining days of 2021, you must stop yourself from stopping yourself. A million haters cannot stop you, unless you stop yourself.

Take time off to deal with the bad habits in your life because they keep you from being the best you are. Never compare yourself to others or you become the enemy of your destiny. Be beautiful. Be yourself. Refuse to envy others or wish to be like them. You don’t need to be accepted by others but learn to love YOURSELF. Refuse to live in excuses as it is the enemy of excellence. Laugh always! Look good! Always dress like you are going to see your worst enemy. Don’t be your own worst enemy. Stay Fresh! Don’t limit yourself.