Hmnnnn! Just like that, September is coming to an end…The year has been a roller coaster for me, but what about you? Its so amazing, how the months of 2021 run by so quick fast. I hope you never give up and you try as much as possible to live your dreams.

I love these prayer book of mine, because I learn great stories from there and will love to share them with you. There was once a family that arrived at a hotel after travelling for hours. Everyone was tired and stressed out including the two kids. As part of their services, many hotels in that country, used to provide goldfish in their hotel rooms to serve as a source of entertainment, especially for the children that came with their parents.

When they got to the counter, the first question the kids asked was, “Do you have a goldfish in the room?” The receptionist answered, “No.” Everyone was discouraged and downcast. A cleaner that was preparing to go home, overheard the disappointment of the kids and thought of what to do. He quickly walked about twenty minutes to the nearest hotel that had goldfish in their rooms. He asked to loan just one of the fish and came back to give to their guests.

The family was thrilled and the father took time to appreciate the cleaner. He then asked him, “Why did you go through all that stress?” The man’s answer was simple, “I know how things work with kids. When my kids are unhappy, my wife is unhappy and when my wife is unhappy, I am unhappy. It’s bad to be stuck in one hotel room with kids that are unhappy and a wife that is stressed out and unhappy. I just wanted to do all I could to make your time here fun.”

That man gave his very best. Giving your best sometimes, may mean that you do what you can to ease someone’s burden. Resolve to give your best today, even as the year is gradually coming to end. It may cost you in the long run but just do it anyways.

May your good works and deeds be remembered as you’re rewarded richly.


My lovelies…hope you are having a good week? Have you gotten in touch with that close friend of yours to check up on their welfare? Have you had time to visit and be a shoulder to that friend who needs your support? If you haven’t, then you need to try doing these things. Don’t make your friend ever feel down, be there for them in all phases of life but never forget to love yourself too in the process.

As most of us know, loyalty and honor are symbols of great friends. A true loyal friend will stand by you and with you no matter the risk to his or her own life and fortune. As Andy Hickton says: “Never turn your back on your friends in time of need because that’s when they need your loving support.”

Be a true friend as the months roll by. Love your friend them, through thick and thin. Always tell your friend(s) the truth even if it sounds bitter and painful. Be loyal to them and pray for them so that God’s grace and strength will be with them always.

Here is wishing all my best and close friends, “A happy International Friendship Day’. I truly love and care for you all. I won’t mention names because if you know, you know!!! Remain safe and blessed!!!


Yeah! You don’t need to close this page thinking I’m going to get preachy just from the title. I’ll advise you stay glued to your screen and read to the very end because this post will help you in ways you think it cannot. So, grab a seat in my blog theatre.

Do you know so many little and big things confront you in life and come as obstacles to your path. I want you, yes you, to know that, no matter what, stand tall and walk yourself out of that tight situation in your life because only you holds the key to your faith and happiness. Never write yourself off!

Take that leap of faith, go shopping for your baby things if you want to have a child regardless of gender, begin to plan your wedding and marriage, start preparing for that dream job by developing yourself through books or training yourself with online courses, register that dream business and reapply for that license, contract or even visa.

You may have done it before but this time you’re moving walking by faith till you make it. Refuse to let that situation, ailment or the physical reality on ground make you to give up easily or write yourself off. HAVE FAITH.


How are you all doing lovelies? Hope riding on with so much positivity as the ‘Ember months gradually roll by? I once came across a teenager with so much wisdom and was in awe of how much he knew at such an age and I learnt to never look down on people you meet in this journey called life.

No matter how rich, educated or well-connected you may be, never look down upon anybody or write anybody off. You never know who holds the key to your life and success tomorrow. I read this story in a prayer book (ODM) of how a professor learnt from a mad man during one of his travels.

A Professor had a tyre blow out in motion and struggled to stop the car at a dangerous spot, notorious for armed robbery in the states of Western Nigeria. The good thing was that, the Professor had a good spare tyre and a good jack but guess what? When the tyre burst, the nuts used to fasten them to the car had fallen off. This left the Professor confused because there was no spare part shop for many kilometers. While he stared at the car hopelessly, a mad man passed by and greeted him, “Good afternoon Sir.” The Professor ignored him and didn’t respond to his greeting but the mad man walked by the Professor again, looked at him and said, “Foolish man! Take a nut from each of the other three tyres and use it to fasten the tyre that has lost all its nuts. That way, every tyre will have three nuts fastening them. At least, it will take you to the next city, where you can buy the remaining one nut for each tyre. Foolish man!” Then, the mad man walked away.

Being a Professor meant he was a knowledgeable and intelligent person but he couldn’t figure out what to do to get him out of the situation. The Professor despised and looked down on the mad man because he never expected anything good or reasonable from him but he was wrong.

It was the mad man’s suggestion that took him out of the dangerous spot he found himself that day and this made him humble. Never ever, look down or write off anybody, no matter their condition, situation or the circumstances surrounding them and never write yourself off.

You never can tell who you will get an idea, a blessing or a life-saving suggestion that you desperately need into your hands or life. So, be humble!

Pride makes it difficult for a proud person to relate downwards and if the life-saving idea he or she needs is with somebody below, he/her pride is very likely going to deprive him or her of that life-saving idea. BE HUMBLE and NEVER say NEVER.



I’m so full of happiness and can’t contain my joy because the ‘Ember months is finally here. Wohooooo!!! *Screaming at the top of my lungs*. This is the best time of the year I like love the most. Maybe because my birth month is part of the ‘Ember months or just the freshness that comes with the ‘Ember months, I really can’t place it as my face is flooded with smiles.

Do you know it takes sixty two muscles to frown but only twenty muscles to smile. That’s why, people say, ‘The largest accessory on your face is your smile, so wear it with pride.’ I don’t know why some people wait for others to smile at them or give a compliment before they smile.

Your smile could be a cure to someone’s pain, utterances, harsh words, miserableness, misery, hunger, anger and what have you. So, why not make that first move and give out a smile as you go out daily in your pursuit of happiness.

Let it be that, when everyone looks into your face, they see hope written all over it. Let their hearts be encouraged by the cheerful expression of your face. Let it so radiate that it blinds the onlooker or the person you meet out there.

It doesn’t take anything from you to wear a smile. Don’t allow the enemy steal your smile. Laugh so often because there is a reward with blessings for that smile written all over your face. JUST SMILE!!!