I have been sitting behind my laptop trying to put my feelings into words but I’m still kinda kind of speechless. There is a feeling of wonder in me that I have been able to grow this little blog of mine to what it is today.

On the eight of July, my blog turned seven, a huge seven…Wow!!! *Screaming from my balcony* I’m full of immense gratitude for this journey, for the people I have met on this journey, for the ways I have developed and grown and for the world this journey has opened up to me.

To those of you who have stuck with me since the beginning, I say, a very big thank you from the bottom of my heart, I appreciate you immensely and hope that I continue to grow and deliver the type of content you are looking for and will help you grow too. Please never be afraid to feel free to reach out and let me know how I’m doing, it’s the only way I’m going to get better and hear your thoughts.

Over the years, I have gone through many phases and stages of blogging. At the beginning, it was a post per month and then this year I increased it to two posts per month and there was a year where I hardly put any effort at all and I thought to myself, that this isn’t fair to my readers.

Now, the time has come to try put more effort into the blog as I feed souls by sharing stories that will help uplift their your quantum leap to self-improvement.

I do know blogging can be a lot of work and there is always something to learn from it. Some things that helps you continue to learn and adapt to the technology around you which includes learning about social media platforms, running a website, growing your platform, writing high quality content and lots more.

Here is SEVEN years of imperfect perfect completion of blogging in my lane to me and YOU. Cheers to SEVEN years and cheers to y’all you all. Without you, I won’t be where I am now and I’m so grateful to you all….Do wish me well. CHEERS!!!

2 thoughts on “MY BLOG IS SEVEN YEARS OLD!!!